Zeit.shift was a digital humanities cooperation between Eurac Research, the Landesbibliothek Dr. Friedrich Teßmann (Bolzano, Italy) and the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol (Innsbruck, Austria) for the digital preservation, enrichment and dissemination of the textual heritage of historical Tyrol. The project aimed at digitising a large number of historical newspapers held at the Landesbibliothek Dr. Friedrich Teßmann and at the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol, and processing them with standard computational linguistic tools, namely Named Entity Recognition and topic classification, to make the documents available and searchable via a newly created digital portal. In addition to creating the technical environment to access the newspapers online, Zeit.shift encouraged the public to work with these materials. This was done by, on the one hand, providing online training materials (a MOOC - Massive Open Online Course) and workshops on how to use the newspapers and, on the other, by developing two contributory activities to increase citizen awareness of, and active engagement with, these historical collections (1880-1950), while exploring the potential of the activities themselves as data acquisition tools for research.
- Project: https://all4ling.eurac.edu/projects/zeitshift/
- Portal: https://zeitshift.eu/tessmannDigital/Zeitungsarchiv/Suche
Tags: digital cultural heritage, digitisation, OCR, gamification, crowdsourcing, historical newspapers
Press coverage
- 26.12.2022. Es gibt nicht nur ein richtiges Deutsch, salto.bz
- 18.12.2022. Il gioco online dedicato a Ötzi (con tanto di concorso a premi): “Aiutatelo a trovare un luogo dove ritirarsi”, il Dolomiti
- 17.12.2022. Premiati i sei vincitori del Gioco online “Ötzit!”, Gazzetta delle Valli
- 16.12.2022. Gewinnspiel Ötzit!: Preisverleihung an sechs Sieger und Siegrinnen, Südtirol News
- 13.09.2022. ‘La Biblioteca provinciale Teßmann organizza sino al 30 ottobre il gioco a premi online «Ötzit»!’, lavocedibolzano.it
- 13.09.2022. ‘Online-Gewinnspiel für Kinder und Jugendliche startet am 12. September’, Südtirol News
- 13.09.2022. ‘Ötzit: Startschuss für Online-Gewinnspiel für Kinder und Jugendliche’, Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Südtirol Press Office
- 11.07.2022. Zeit.shift MOOC – Digital in gesterns Zukunft #uibk #imoox, E-learning Blog TU Graz
- 21.05.2022. 14.000 bei Langer Nacht der Forschung, ORF.at Tirol
- 04.05.2022. ‘Zeit.shift MOOC – Digital in gesterns Zukunft #imoox #innsbruck’, E-learning Blog TU Graz
- 02.05.2022. ‘Zeit.shift-MOOC goes online – University of Innsbruck’, europe-cities
- 02.05.2022. ‘Zeit.shif-MOOC geht online’, Universität Innsbruck
- 01.05.2022. ‘Drum prüfe, wer sich backenlos bindet’, Innsbruck erinnert sich
- 31.03.2022. Meraner Stadtanzeiger
- 05.03.2022. Tirol heute - Bibliotheksprojekt “zeit.shift”
- 03.03.2022. ORF.at - Radio Tirol am Nachmittag
- 24.11.2021. stol.it - Nachrichten für Südtirol
- 06.11.2021. Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung
- 15.10.2021. ‘L’informazione non può essere delegata agli algoritmi dell’intelligenza artificiale’, Economia and Giornalismo Conference, University of Bolzano (NOI Techpark)